Friday, October 12, 2007

Hot Chicks and Airports

So, anyone who has ever been to an airport has noticed that there are always a larger proportion of attractive women there than there seem to be at other place. I'm sure part of it is the unattainability, plus I have a theory (backed up by science, strangely enough) that traveling increases your sex drive...

But, I am happy to say that this rule applies even here. I spend a few nights a week at the airport here, helping out some people, and every night I walk in and there's just hot chicks everywhere. Now - the mitigating factor here is that most of the people who work at the airport are Air Force, amd anyone who's been in the military knows that Air Force chicks are the hottest, follow by Marine chicks, then Navy, and finally Army. The last two switch sometimes, depending, but it's like the Air Force recruiters will look at a recruit and say "Yeah, um, you might be better suited to the Army..."

It's something about Army butt, too. Marine chicks may not be as pretty, but they are still active, even if they're in an Admin position. Army chicks who have admin positions develop the military equivalent of secretary butt. I'm sure it happens to the men, too, I just don't really check out men's asses all that much.

1 comment:

Cameron said...

Thanks for objectifying John! Have you lost all your academic prowess?